
You've found the blog for Sandlewood Op Shop.
We are a small not-for-profit shop in Moorooka (Brisbane) run by volunteers.
Profits from the shop go towards our work with disadvantaged and less fortunate members of the community to help make their lives brighter.
We look forward to seeing you at the shop!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Don't forget - the jumble sale is this SUNDAY from 7am!!

A big thanks to the Inchcolm Hotel who have generously donated a voucher for : 1 nights accommodation in a Deluxe Suite, Continental breakfast for 1 in Seasalt at Armstrongs, a bottle of bubbly & chocolates on arrival, and a midday checkout. Valid until 20 June 2011. *conditions apply* This will be included in our fundraising efforts on Sunday :)

Visit their website here  http://www.theinchcolm.com.au/  to see this beautiful boutique hotel

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pick us! Pick us!

We'd be ever so grateful if you would vote for us in the Suncorp Back to Business Grants.

It gives us the opportunity to win a $5,000 grant to further assist our community. 
As you know, we'll be in it long after the floods - and will continue to help those who need it ;)
Our committment and vision is to improve the quality of lives of our less fortunate community members - flooded or not!

You can vote for us at this page https://suncorpbacktobusiness.com.au/nominations/sandlewood-projects?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4d918764601538c5%2C0

Thursday, March 24, 2011

RACQ - are you insured? KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

This blog post goes out to our floodies. 

We have heard that RACQ Insurance is sending out letters stating that people are not covered for damage that occurred during the floods, but offering them a $12,000 cheque as a "good will gesture".  That's one hell of a lot of good will.

Please be aware that if you are not happy with the outcome of your claim you can take the matter further.

However, I believe from my previous work in the insurance industry that by banking that "good will" cheque you are waiving your right to take the matter through to an insurance claim review, or further by taking it to the Insurance Ombudsman.

Please be aware that the Caxton Legal Service are offering free legal advice regarding this matter. I will update the blog with further details as I receive them.  This information was passed to us by staff at the Department of Communities. 

Premiers Relief Fund Round 2 Payments Info

Some great news we found out tonight at our local flood recovery group meeting, thanks to the Department of Communities - is that not only are people whose houses were completely destroyed by the floods eligible for payments this round, but also people whose principal dwelling was a boat or caravan are now eligible.  There are guidelines but you could be eligible for up to $25,000 if your boat or caravan that was your home was destroyed. 

More information can be found by contacting the Department of Communities - they have a drop in centre at the Goprint Building at Woolloongabba just opposite the busway there, and they are also running outreach services at the Yeronga Flood Respite Centre on Thursdays.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who are you?

Recently, we have had a number of queries regarding our organisation and whether it is affiliated with any other groups.  Sandlewood is a NOT FOR PROFIT (NFP) organisation with no political or religious connections and we are not linked to any other organisations. 

Sandlewood Projects is run by a board of directors and receives no Government of corporate funding. We operate with a Certificate of Sanction under the Collections Act 1966 through the Queensland Department of Justice & Attorney General.

This sanction controls how charities and community purpose organisations conduct appeals for public support or fundraising in Queensland. Any organisation that wants to publicly fundraise for a charitable or community purpose is governed by this Act.
Activities regulated by the Department under the Collections Act 1966 include:
  • fundraising appeals
  • door-to-door appeals and street collections, and
  • commercial appeals on behalf of charities by entrepreneurs
Any person can check the credentials of someone collecting goods or running an appeal to ensure they are legitimate by searching the Office of Fair Trading's website here

In our case, you simply enter the Sanction number CP5278 which will show that our Organisation is a REGISTERED ORGANISATION holding a Certificate of Sanction under the Act.

The shop is run entirely by volunteers.  Because of this we have low overheads (rent, power, phone, internet, insurance) and this means we can give back more to the community.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Have you ever wondered?

Just how much of your monetary donation is ending up where it's intended?  
It is an interesting read when you sit down and go through the Annual Report of some of the big Charities.

For example, from the 2009-2010 financial report of one big charity, it shows that through their domestic appeals, donations and sponsorships, they raised  $35,299.  Great effort !! But....

Out of that, almost half  ($17,253) was gobbled up by expenses (presumably things like advertising their appeals etc) leaving only $18,046 of the $35,299 to be distributed to where it was intended....

Interesting stuff....

That's the advantage of donating to a small organisation like us. 
We have very few overheads (rent, insurance, power, phone and internet) so what you donate can help us HELP PEOPLE who need it. 

Did you realise that many of the items that are donated to the shop are actually given away free of charge to people in need? 

Food for thought....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Volunteers still needed for 3 April

Sorry I've been AWOL for a little while.  All for a good cause though.

We have been working hard (long days and into the night) to get the Flood Relief Jumble Sale of the Century by Sandlewood up and running.

We have secured a face painter & roving entertainer, and all the donations for the event have been piled high into storage.  We have received wonderful donations for our auction and raffles, and we've got some great prizes for our tombola. 

It looks to be a wonderful day, hopefully with lots of shoppers! 

If you want to volunteer your time, we still need LOTS of help.  If you can spare a few hours (or the whole day) on Sunday 3rd April to help us raise funds for the flood affected community, please contact us by email sandlewoodopshop at bigpond.com (sorry don't want spam coming out our ears!) or phoning Desley on 3277 3521.