
You've found the blog for Sandlewood Op Shop.
We are a small not-for-profit shop in Moorooka (Brisbane) run by volunteers.
Profits from the shop go towards our work with disadvantaged and less fortunate members of the community to help make their lives brighter.
We look forward to seeing you at the shop!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Flood CleanUp

I just thought I would share these Post-flood clean up tips, courtesy of Shannon Lush which I think will probably come in handy for a few of our local residents.

With water comes mold, one of the most stubborn offenders to clean up. According to the cleaning genius of Shannon Lush, there are two main weapons; salt and oil of cloves.

To remove mold from soft furnishings, canvas and outside areas (where the salt won't end up in the garden), mix one kilogram of ordinary house salt into one bucket of water. Wash the affected surface, wait until the salt crust forms and brush off with a broom.

But Shannon says the best killer of mould is oil of cloves, available from the chemist or supermarket.

To use oil of cloves as a mold remover:

Add half a teaspoon of oil of cloves to 1 litre of water - no more than that.

Put it into a spray bottle, spray the surface and leave for 20 minutes.

Wipe the surface clean, then re-spray and leave it.

It will take between 24 to 48 hours for the mould spores to die and drop off.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Flood Victims : Damaged Photos

I also got this information via Facebook so thought I would share  - please pass it on :)

URGENT - to save any photographs damaged by flood waters, immerse them in clean fresh water and get them to Inkjet Lab at Bowen Hills ASAP. They will clean, copy and save 50 photos to disk for you at no charge.

Check out this link -  Inkjet Lab Info on Saving Flood Damaged Photos

•Pick out your most important 50 photos before you come in and we will concentrate on these first.

•Choose close family, wedding and pet photos - not travel pics and happy snaps.
•Remove photos from frames as soon as possible so they don't stick to the glass. Please do not bring in frames if possible.
•Rinse everything in clean fresh water and place the photos in sealed plastic bags so they don't dry out and stick together. This does several things, first it reduces the risk of disease and secondly, it make our job a little easier.
•Ring Mark on 0421 599 423 to arrange a time to deliver them.
•This is a limited offer which expires Tuesday the 25th of January. Sorry, we can't help beyond this as we do have our other paying customers to attend to.

Flood Victims : Free Laundromat @ Murrarrie

I just received this via Facebook so thought I would let you know about it - please spread the word

If anyone knows of people in areas impacted by the floods in Brisbane, Fisher and Paykel has set up a free laundromat Murarrie. They have everything there, even the jug will be hot! Doors open at 7am and it will be open until 7pm each day until further notice.

8 Terrace Place

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Flooding Victims

Sadly we are already being advised of locals who need our help. 
We're already aware of 2 local families who are in need, and we know there will be more :(

Family 1.
Require boys size 6 clothes, size 14 womens clothes, XXL mens clothes & toys suitable for 3 & 6 year old boys.

Family 2.
A refugee family (mother, father, teenage son) who speak very little English.  We have previously helped them get ALL of the contents of their house when they were moved from Moorooka where they were sharing a unit to their own house at Darra.  As far as I'm aware they have lost everything. 

Once I am aware of what items are needed I will update the blog and facebook page. For those of you who don't know the facebook page is www.facebook.com/sandlewoodopshop

Flood Update

Thankfully we were lucky and the shop did not get flooded. 
However, we are having issues with the safety of our power and may be open ad-hoc from tomorrow. 

I thought I'd add in some pictures of our surrounding areas to show you what we are facing.  These photos are taken in Muriel Avenue, which is the street running off Beaudesert Road very close to the shop.

This first one is Muriel Road - the Rail Underpass which takes you to Sherwood Road Rocklea.

This is the Skate Park next to the Scout Hall in Muriel Avenue (I took this one yesterday and today it's higher again)

John Bright Street - once again this is one I took yesterday and today the water was higher again - I just haven't uploaded those photos from my camera just yet.

Heaton St Salisbury (looking off Beaudesert Rd Overpass at Salisbury) taken approx 7.30am today by Brit Ibanez.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Temporary Shop Closure 12.1.11

As most people would be aware, Queensland is facing it's worst Natural Disaster in many, many years. 

75% of our state has been considered a Natural Disaster Zone and many areas local to the shop are already affected by the floods.

Beaudesert Road near the Motorama 4x4 by More is under water and has been closed.  Muriel Avenue (off which you turn in to get to the shop) is also closed due to flooding. 

Water levels are expected to be greater than in 1974 floods, which, many locals will be aware the water levels did come awfully close to where the shop is (across the road where the safety shop and servo is was underwater).

This is the prediction of the area that will be affected by flooding (in yellow) if you look you'll see that our street is on the prediction map. 


As a result we are not taking risks, and have closed the shop until the imminent risk of flood waters has passed.

Obviously this is a very trying time - many of our clients in the Yeronga, Rocklea, Fairfield, Sherwood, Tennyson areas will already be affected by flood.  This is the time when our community needs to band together and work as one to help those who need it, so the closing of the shop is not one that we take lightly.